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Delhi School of Journalism Entrance Exam

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if we dont able to make it in this exam then what are the options left for us?? if we just want to pursue journalism which university is best

Vanshika Nangia 6th Sep, 2021

Hello dear

Hope you’re doing well

If by chance you’re not able to make it through this exam, Amity university, Noida is a very good option for journalism . The eligibility criteria to apply there is that the student must have cleared 10+2 and give English language entrance. The fees is around 2.5-3 lacs.
another option available is JIMS. It is also s very reputed institute. To get admission there you have to apoear for an entrance test.
Please ask if you have any more questions

Good luck


can you provide me DU DSJ entrance exam 2020 question paper pdf ?

Rohit K Bhat 17th Jun, 2021

Greetings dear Parul

You can have a look at the DU DSJ 2019 question paper from the below site. The exam is conducted for a total of 400 marks. The total number of questions is 100. 3 subjects are asked in the exam which are General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Analytical compressions skills.

Hope this helps!!

All the best for your future career


When will Be the application form of dsj 2021 will release?

ayanmukherjee045 24th Jan, 2021

Dear aspirant,

Till now nothing has been released regarding regarding the application form of dsj 2021 as it is too early and the application form of this exam gets started  generally in the month of June and registration ends by July.

So,as per the previous year you can refer this link-


if any one want to give entrance of du to get course of mass media if they dont have good marks in class 12? what is selection process?

Yash Dev Student Expert 29th Dec, 2020

Hello student I'm sorry to inform you but no admission in DU for Journalism and Mass communication is through the basis of cut off released by the University of Delhi only. There's no another way of selection in Delhi University for Journalism and mass communication course. Cut off vary every year on various factors.

For more details refer to the link mentioned below -

Feel free to comment if you've any doubt

Good luck


I just passed 10th but now i realized the value of education now i want to prepare for civils

mr.sudhanshu94 30th Oct, 2020

Dear Aspirant,

After 10th,you have to take any group in class 11.  After Intermediate,you have to complete your graduation (Any degree).

After 3-4 years of degree,you have to take coaching for an IAS for 1 year.  After coaching,You have to write an exams (I.e.prelims,mains). If you have qualified in mains then you'll have interview in Delhi.

The marks of mains and interview will be added.

If you have got a rank between 1-95 in India level then you'll become an IAS.

All the best to all,who have a dream to be an IAS.

Hope this information helps you ,

Thank you .


When the form will be available for DSJ

Maria Sunny 15th Apr, 2020


The application forms for DU DSJ 2020 was to be released on April 2.But due to COVID 19 the registration for admission to UG, PG, MPhil ,PhD courses have been postponed.The revised schedule will be available soon.


I need answers of DSJ exam.which given in your app

Sk Student Expert 1st Jun, 2020


As per your question follow the way to get the answers to du dsj entrance exam.

Next, students can download the solution key from the page which will display on the screen

Click on the ‘view answer keys’ ( Master QP Pdf)

Download DU DSJ answer key 2020 - Raise Objections

If students have any quite objection, they will raise it by clicking on the objection form.

In this a part of DU DSJ 2020 answer key, candidates need to choose ‘DU Five year integrated course in

Journalism English’ from the drop-down.

Aspirants will need to choose the question ID

Choose the choice ID

Candidates will need to select anybody of the subsequent options, counting on their objections.

Follow the link below to get it:


what is the age criteria for the exam??

Shubham Dhane 13th Apr, 2020


There is no age limit for UG programs. The eligibility criteria is as follows

  • Candidates must be at least a pass-out of Class XII.

  • Candidates who wish to apply for the B.A, B.Com and B.Sc programmes offered by the university must complete their qualifying Class 12 examination with minimum marks as specified for each programme offered. which differs.

  • The DU eligibility criteria differ as per the candidate’s categories.

  • There is no age limit to apply for undergraduate programmes.

Please click the below link to know more


DUET entrance exam of DU syllabus for Maas media course from IP college of women

pdwords Student Expert 15th Apr, 2020

Indraprastha College for Women offers BA Hons Multimedia and Mass Communication for which admission is done though DUET.

Exam is conducted for 2 hours with 100 MCQs carrying 400 marks from sections such as General Awareness,Current Affairs,General Knowledge,Communication skills (English/Hindi),Logical Reasoning,Analytical Ability in English and Hindi language.For each correct answer four marks are provided while each wrong attempt one mark is deducted.

For more details, visit;

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